Category: Show Archive

Pranksgiving 2018! – 11/21/2018

It’s stupid Pranksgiving! Jin Stewart joins for some calls to motel rooms. Carlito is calling for labia jewelry and getting some good responses. Harassing the Overeaters Anonymous conference line again. Waking up UK wankers for water tests. Insulting the clerks at JCPenney. Calling up the slow thinking momos in Guam.

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Busting Cheeks – 11/15/2018

Insisting on placing a phone order for a Chipotle burrito bowl and being an asshole about it. Calling the Butterball Turkey Hotline. Carlito wants an Indian man to put on a wedding dress so he can see his body in it. Ordering a salad with heat.

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Peanut Butter Puppies – 11/9/18

Carlito is trying to share a neat trick you can do with your puppy and some peanut butter. Tires, wood and a lawnmower for sale. Short show this week as Carlito just isn’t feeling that well.

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Mushroom Sauce – 10/25/2018 Show

It’s Pokemon card giveaway time again! This time Carlito is sending people to the Walmarts while he’s shitting in toilet. Extreme confusion regarding divorce vs annulment and what that means for Cross. Watching gymnastics classes while covered in bed sheets and the Amish mattress guy shares a chuckle.

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I’m Not Looking for a Dishwasher – 10/18/2018

Carlito is calling the customer service line for and having the agents describe the adult toys for sale. Sears is closing another round of stores across the nation, we call to check in on their plans, manage to insult women selling large appliances. A car salesman is intimidated when Cross calls in looking to compete on the lot. Making stupid noises and insulting people in a general manner. Apologies for the technical issues with audio quality this episode.

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Big Belly Bella – 10/11/2018 Show

RBCP and Carlito call back an entitled ‘lawyer’ who is upset that his damaged package isn’t being hand delivered to him. Lysol is missing after Hurricane Michael strikes the Florida panhandle. Calling the Indians at Cop Cam again and we’re still not talking professionally. Planet Fitness shenanigans, ordering burps, shit & farts and insulting a karaoke DJ’s big belly. Guests are RBCP, JagTV, Matt Hillock & Buster Casey.

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Blue Crab Machines – 10/4/2018 Show

Cross ordered blue crab machines but can’t figure out how to make them open and go. A restaurant makes the news for experimenting with cannabis to boil lobsters more humanely – the owner lady won’t SHUT UP ABOUT IT. Carlito has stolen an entire Cinnabon kitchen and is calling to get instructions on how to make it go. Brad breaks in as the coporate office to fire the girl who was willing to give out the company secrets. Ordering sharmuta, malaka and bahnchod.

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International Telephone Business Machines – Pilot

The first episode of our new podcast which will be a Patreon Horse exclusive benefit.  The first few episodes will be a free preview to promote membership and while we work the technical side out.  Enjoy and send your suggestions!

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What Have We Learned – 9/20/18 Show

Carlito is joined by Dwight McC, JagTV, Matt Hillock & RBCP as we go over our PLA/PCN Meetup in Chicago. Thanks to everyone who donated to make this possible. Matt wonders why we always prank Indians, Carlito teaches him why. Ordering some stupid heat crap like always. This is another stupid show.

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That’s a Girl’s Name – 9/8/18 Show

Carlito is trying to get to Chicago for the PLA PrankCon on September 15th. Help him with a donation at Enjoy a short pre-show before Dwight the Janitor goes on the air. Ashley the Starbucks manager(that’s HIS name, don’t make fun of it) is calling the surrounding stores to get their shit outta here. Carlito got away with some free food at the drive thru and decides to call back to brag about it. Picking a fight with a racist homophobic Mexican restaurant. Meet Carlito and other prank call celebrities at our Chicago meet up this Saturday afternoon 9/15/2-18 – details on our Facebook page.

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No TV For You – 9/6/18 Show

Carlito is trying to get to Chicago for the PLA PrankCon on September 15th. Help him with a donation at A black man becomes very upset with Cross Skrilla over being denied a free TV, leads us on a 20 minute tirade. The advance team is calling to set up reservations for President Trump again. Weird requests for Dave & Buster’s from the bathroom enthusiasts. We also squeeze in a quiet Lunk Alarm prank.

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What Does Gender Have To Do With It? – 8/30/18 Show

Carlito is trying to get to Chicago for the PLA PrankCon on September 15th. Help him with a donation at This is another example of a good Madhouse show with not-so-good pranks. We are starting beef with burger places that refuse to make our burgers the old fashioned way. The lady at iHop doesn’t like being told her gender isn’t equal. Bill the Schwann’s delivery guy has been hooking up with the customers.

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Hot Jazz In Your Mouth – 8/23/18

There’s a hurricane headed to Hawaii, so we are looking everywhere for plywood. Carlito is confusing Free Pickup at Walmart with trucks for sale. Using anatomical breast descriptions while ordering bras over the phone. Eating canned dog food when the human food runs out.

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Lean Machine – 8/16/2018

It’s Tropical Smoothie night on Madhouse Radio as Carlito tries to flip the eggs with heat concept – by ordering smoothies with cold, in a waffle cone. The animal hospital receptionist doesn’t appreciate the insinuation that she is being replaced by a janitor. Insulting Puerto Rico while trying to book a vacation there. Bath Planet doesn’t support glory hole installations in their quotes. Captain Cross is looking to get hired to show a friend a good time on his boat machine.

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I Don’t Have a Disability – 8/10/18

Carlito thinks it’s good that you have a job answering the phone, even with your non-existant disability. The red Solo cup is smoking in the hotel room, not us. Brad Carter is on a mission to make a woman cry. Trying to use the gambler’s anonymous line to place random number guessing bets. CPAP cleaning services and another ride on top of the hotel elevator.

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