Cross is complaining about slow restaurant service, however the staff doesn’t appreciate that he is calling from the bathroom and subjecting them to vulgarities.
Cross is complaining about slow restaurant service, however the staff doesn’t appreciate that he is calling from the bathroom and subjecting them to vulgarities.
Sloth, RBCP and Carlito are having fun late at night dialing up people in a hotel next to an amusement park.
Carlito is looking for a kid’s cartoon movie where the animator snuck in a penis on a bee. From Brent Westwood show 06-20-13
A woman had complained on Twitter about the customer service experience she received from a taxi company. Carlito calls to settle the issue. Lawsuits ensue.
Carlito is watching Tradio (Swap Shop) radio show host on his video feed, then calls him to sell his own stuff back to him. Recorded on the Global Chaos Radio show.
A car owner, his wife and his father argue with Roy after they find a note on a car at Wal*Mart.
Reclude creeps everyone out when he calls a girl working alone at a gas station as a guy from out of town who wants to party with her.
Things get ugly when Carlito informs a lady that she will have to pay a $30 deposit on her high risk pizza delivery.
A guy at a restaurant hesitates to answer private information about the business as Carlito and his legal team are preparing a law suit.
It is ridiculous to ask how soon you will need to use the bathroom after eating fried rice.
Cross with International Business Machines and Health inspections is calling a Citgo station regarding a lack of hand washing.