Author Archive for carlito

Nips For Milkman – 2/8/2015

shirtlessCarlito raises money for Milkman ( and takes his shirt off on YouTube in the process.  DJ Cross is looking to play Christian music at a wedding with his shirt off.  We are calling from The Pizza complaining about tips and rude customers.  R.I.P. Raunch Foxxx.  One particular Twitter complainer plays along with everything we throw at him, no matter how absurd.  Guests are Dirty Aaron, Dwight, Zyklon, Darkstranger, Enigma420, RBCP, Neon, Jag & Baz.


Shitbird – 2/1/2015

shitbird-sample-patchThe Seahawks lose in the Super Bowl, we call sports bars in Seattle to troll them on the loss.  Carlito rapes a car in the gas tank.  We call the father of an aspirihg actor and claim that he raised his son like a girl.  Baz and Carlito are stuck in McDonalds Playlands,  Guests are JagTV, Dwight, Neon, Darkstranger & RBCP.

Make The YouTube Machine Go – 1/27/2015 Show

Episode recorded live on 1/27/2015- “Make The YouTube Machine Go”

Madhouse Radio – 1/25/2015 Show

mh-2012-square-fpage180x180Madhouse Radio episode recorded on Sunday 1/25/2015.  Carlito hosts with guests Neon, Dwight, RBCP, LTM & Ida.

Carlito & Dwight – Elevator Shaft (Prank Call)

Carlito is stuck in an elevator shaft at a hotel, Dwight is trying to get him help but Carlito is not very cooperative.

Carlito in the Duct Work – with Dwight (Prank Call)

Carlito manages to climb into the duct work over the grill at a Wendy’s, Dwight calls to get him some help getting back out.

Al Coholic – Step 9 (Prank Call)

Carlito calls in to an alcoholic support radio show as ‘Al Coholic’ – a man on step 9 who is about to fall off the wagon.

How To Make Mud – 1/18/2015

mudCarlito had his appliance warranty claim denied because he put a bowling ball in the washer.  A Japanese man is not happy with being mocked on the phone.  A white trash couple find their prank call funny.  Carlito’s poor attitude negates his ability to rent a mobile home.

Madhouse Radio – 1/14/15 Show

Madhouse Radio episode from 1/14/15

Madhouse Radio – 1/11/15 Show

Madhouse Radio episode from 1/11/15.

Madhouse Radio – 1/9/15 Show

Madhouse Radio – 1/9/15 Show

Madhouse Radio – 1/4/15 Show

Madhouse Radio – 1/4/15 Show

PCN NYE 2015 Show: Carlito Drops the Balls

PCN NYE 2015 Show: Carlito Drops the Balls

Shut Up Devil! – 12/28/2014

Carlito makes Craigslist calls about computer tower machines and sexy goats with sexual organs. Carlito calls asking for “kakikis” before breaking out in a satanic Tourette’s fit. Carlito asks a hotel clerk if she has labia present. Baz calls a girl with a new number and get called a spicy pervert. Baz asks a guy about housing and if they can compare notes and make up their own stories together with a little “I show you mine, you show me yours.” Neon calls back to ask about working out deals as well as why she has to be single to rent it. Neon calls a different shared room ad and wants to set up cam sessions to throw glitter while she works. Dwight, Carlito and Neon try to get free stuff from a guy. Carlito and Neon try to get 55 gallon barrels but instead the kanaka and his wife want to teach Neon and Carlito manners. Carlito gets cussed out trying to order Indian food.

PCN Christmas Eve Show with Carlito & RBCP – 12/24/2015

PCN Christmas Eve Show with Carlito & RBCP

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