Author Archive for carlito

Ass Water – 3/13/2017

This is the Madhouse Radio Prank Call episode from 3/13/2017.

Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!  Check out Prank Calls of the Week on YouTube –







Madhouse Radio – 1/16/2017

This is the Madhouse Radio Prank Call episode from 1/16/2017.

Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!  Check out Prank Calls of the Week on YouTube –






Madhouse Radio New Years Day Special – 1/1/2017

This is the Madhouse Radio Prank Call episode from 1/1/2017.  The first prank call show of the new year!

Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!  Check out Prank Calls of the Week on YouTube –






Madhouse Radio – 12/26/2016

This is the Madhouse Radio Prank Call episode from 12/26/2016.  The last prank call show of the year!

Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!  Check out Prank Calls of the Week on YouTube –






Madhouse Radio Christmas Eve ’16 – 12/24/2016

Carlito opens the mic up for another special Christmas Eve show.  As usual we call NORAD, wake up people in the UK and cause more phone call mayhem.

Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!  Check out Prank Calls of the Week on YouTube –






Black Friday For Fat People – 11/25/2016

Carlito returns for a Black Friday afternoon show. Calling every store in the mall asking if they have clothes/knives/food/etc. for “Fat Girls”.  Carlito is fed up with Chiptole and their policy of turning empty hot sauce bottles into salt shakers.  In the process we learn how easy it is to get coupons for a free burrito “bowe”.  XYZ joins the fray in the second half of the show.

Guest is XYZ from

Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!  Check out Prank Calls of the Week on YouTube –

Pranksgiving: Horse Reloaded – 11/24/16

It’s Pranksgiving again! Carlito is joined by a very drunk Matt Hillock and Dwight the Janitor. Technical, audio and speaking issues abound in this sub-par show. Offending the Wal*Mart electronics guy with our video game title, pissing off the girls at Victoria’s Secret with our search for tuna & shutting down an Overaters conference.

Guests are Matt Fuckin’ Hillock ( and Dwight the Bologna Janitor (Dwight’s YouTube).

Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!  Check out Prank Calls of the Week on YouTube –


Milkman Can’t Sports – 10/30/2016

Happy Birthday to the Big Fat Old Milkman.  This is a sub-par show. We got charged for sauce samples at Buffalo Wild Wings.  Calling to buy telescopes,  reporting Ken for talking trash & getting cash for a house before the divorce settlement kicks in.  Carlito is catching up with the Junk Buster who advises he has him “pegged”.  Trolling the gay sports bar in Chicago again.

Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!  Check out Prank Calls of the Week on YouTube –

Sharmuta – 10/10/2016

Laugh Track Matt and a slimmed down Evil Artie join Carlito for some Columbus Day prankings. Mrs. Muhammad gets upset at being called a sharmuta. Cross lets another job slip thru his fingers after insulting an auto body shop owner. Using Siri to apply online for a job online upsets the “Gay” Gourmet. Guests are Laugh Track Matt and Evil Artie.


Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!  Check out Prank Calls of the Week on YouTube –



Who Sent You? – 9/5/16

Carlito is calling from inside the Las Vegas casino machine. He has shit his pants and is looking for 24 hour businesses to do him a solid. Dwight gets his Mentos and Diet Coke on. We are reporting an ethics violation in the workplace which turns into an absurd assault in the break room. Ordering shenanigans related to an excercise “machine”, the “Fix Me Stick” & our old friends at Zappos. Guests are Dwight McClanahan ( and Big Baby Baz.

Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!  Check out Prank Calls of the Week on YouTube –

Big Stinky Oyster – 8/26/16

pearl-oysterWe are checking in on our friend at the Lowe’s Tool World.  Jin and Carlito are involved with some sushi calls.  There’s a sex party going on in a dorm room – we try to get the residence hall security guard to join in on the action.  Dwight has us busting up Pearl Parties on Facebook Live.  Chickens are loose again,  this time in dorm rooms and Puerto Rican hotels.

Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!

The Horse Rises (Pranksgiving 2015) – 11/26/15

thanksgiving-horseIt’s Pranksgiving again and we are raising money for another needy family.  Jiad is out on the street with the COMC crew filming stores while we call them during the Black Friday mayhem.  Carlito and Jin Stewart are reporting on unionization activity at a local Wal*Mart.  Descendants of the Mayflower pilgrims are being sent back to their home country.  Dwight gets into repeated heated arguments with a taxi driver that calls his medallion number out like its a gang sign.  Checking in on the action in the Kmart men’s restroom.  Feces in shoes and hats.  Dirty Christmas cards at Spencer Gifts.  Ordering pork bacon and heat eggs from Denny’s.

Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!

Stolen Valor – Veterans Day 11/11/2015

dennys-veterans-dayIt’s Veterans Day and Carlito is calling looking for whatever he can get for free.  We wave off all produce from being delivered to a restaurant due to a product recall.  Carlito celebrates his former employer’s recent failure and buyout.

Leave a review for this podcast on the iTunes store!  Follow Carlito on Twitter @madhouse and get more shows like this at Prank Call Nation!







Who’s Big Amy? – 11/9/15


It’s time for more daytime help wanted calls! Big Amy has had enough of Carlito calling her every time we do one of these. Social engineering your way into getting a hiring manager on the line is not the best way to go about looking for a job. Carlito gets around a court order to not yell at his wife by insulting her through a PA system. An Indian man claims to be walking down the street to talk to a police officer. You gotta season your lead before building with it. Matt Hillock and Zax are guests.


Milkman’s Last Birthday – 10/31/2015

haloween-bdyIt’s Halloween AND Milkman’s birthday machine!  How blessed are the appliances for sale?  Carlito calls a news tip line and recites the entire plot of The Shining.  We call several people with costumes, baby gates and dollies for sale.  Steak and Shake orders.  Carlito insults Jehovah’s Witnesses fro not giving out candy to trick or treaters.


YouTube video with the best pranks from this week’s show: Subscribe to Prank Calls of the Week!




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