Author Archive for carlito

Madhouse Radio – 12/21/2014 Show

Madhouse Radio – 12/21/2014 Show

Telephone Tough Guy – 12/14/14

Carlito and Trainwreck call Lowe’s looking for ‘elp finding the MOD and the floors that go. Carlito asks for sexy specials from the pizza menu. Black Dwight returns and scares Enigma and Carlito with a voice changer in to thinking Neon is talking to them. Dwight talks to a guy that wants to hunt him down for a fight. Carlito discusses with a liquor store cashier if it’s ok to bring a bat for booze. Carlito wants a new cat and asks if he can play with its sexual organs and shoot a gun in the air around it. A guy embellishes his ad for landscaping with pyro tendencies. Carlito follows up from a Tabachi call asking for a spare room and telling the landlord he’ll be voted out of the house with an alliance immunity.

All By Myself – 12/7/14

Carlito starts the show alone by calling for a pagan pyro tree. Carlito then asks a lady for her dryer lint to smell and a thermos of her used laundry water. Carlito calls for a weekly survey and tells the cashier no one loves him by GHF’ing him. We make orders for pasta, Aculo’s Mexican food, and yogurt for a real man. Carlito asks about a heist in Gotham City. We find out Larry knows about us at Tool World. Neon, Dwight and Cross talk to a deranged woman about Little Bobby, smoking around her kids, Dwight love-fighting her after cleaning her up at a car-wash. Dwight calls a guy and says his kid looks like something. Carlito asks why a guy is selling a wannabe casting couch.

Tire-d Talk – 12/2/14

Carlito tells a lady his lost dog Haas was last seen by a sign saying something on it. Carlito asks if “dem” tires are sexy and clean. Dwight and Carlito leave an HOA voicemail with Dwight as the mayor cancelling a yard sale. Neon tells Eddie’s wife about a love-child while Dwight and Carlito ask about the truth. A guy selling Galaxy S4’s wants an offer if Carlito is giving them to an inmate for commissary. Neon asks Amy-mimi about seasonal nail appointments. Carlito, Dwight and Neon ask the fake “lil Bobby” what kind of “king” he lost.

Madhouse Hospital Pranksgiving 2014 – 11/27/14

negro-assassinCarlito kicks off 24 hours of prank calls during the PCN Pranksgiving marathon; live from his hospital bed.

Baby Come Back – 10/26/14

come-backJin Stewart returns to Madhouse Live. Carlito and Jin call Indian support scammers where they pose as Indians needing computer advice.  Jin practices his accents and uses funny words to ask a scammer for a kiss. A café employee says Jin has a fake accent.  Jin, Carlito, and Brad call photo customers and tell them they have inappropriate content in their portraits. Jin and Neon call early-rising wankers inviting them to a festival.

El culo de tu Madre – 10/19/14

Carlito calls “Mama San” for a Chinese food order. Milkman won’t put on pants for a live prank. Carlito calls markets and asks for hot deli service. A messenger service clerk is a real jerk. Carlito calls hotels in Spain and asks for el roomo, el guesto, el telefono as well as how a guest’s mother is. Carlito then gets stuck in a truck stop bathroom because he was looking for something. After being accused of making loud noises a hotel guest requests Carlito send the lady back to his room. We find out what a room smells like when Carlito asks what kind of people rent it. Neon calls a telemarketer as a masseuse. Dwight calls a few “Dick” heads./14

Do What Now – 10/13/14

Carlito, Laugh Track Matt, Trainwreck and Neon kick off Madhouse Live. Carlito asks for an interview buying puppies. Matt asks if a guy has an Iphone 5Crap. Carlito wants a truck that fits in the box. Neon does what now and inquires about a van. Carlito wants to smell the seats on a Dodge. RBCP joins and makes the group get noisy. Neon welcomes fake Roxi in with Indian Scammers. Carlito calls for Sandwich-making information. Carlito puts everyone on mute and does calls. Carlito and Neon celebrate their honeymoon by wanting Tempura ice cream to go. Baz joins to order a chorizo breakfast and describe what’s in the food. Carlito calls a YMCA and asks if there are outlets available for Baz and Carlito’s hygiene purposes.

Aim for the Ceiling – 10/8/14

Carlito, Trainwreck, and Neon call Craigslist people for rabbits, propane tanks and bikes. Carlito and Trainwreck discover new ringtone technology with Indian scammers. Wankers receive wake-up/wind-up calls.  Dwight makes phallic to-go orders as well as an attempt to contact Gary Brodsky. Carlito, Enigma, Brad, Dwight, and Neon call a Facebooker and force her to hang up the phone. Carlito enrages a woman by accusing her of stealing her new phone from Best Buy.

We’re Not Compatible – 10/5/14

black-supermanCalling a Halloween costume story looking for black people costumes. Carlito gets upset when a Lowe’s employee uses the Lord’s name in vain on the Sabbath. We get some more scamming Indians upset at us. We learn that Hawaiians find the word ‘kook’ offensive. An Eagle Scout is recruited into an evil secret society.

Reported To The US Government – 10/2/14


Cross is doing a living anal art display at a museum and needs facility details.  Neon is an incoming freshman at a university and has odd questions for a librarian.  A co-op has to deal with explaining exactly how their store operates to us.  Some Indian tech support scammer prank calls lead to angry exchanges.  Carlito orders everything on the menu at a Midwestern kosher style deli and ice cream parlor.  Some interesting items are checked for us by the folks at Grainger.

Don’t Be Rude Tyrone – 9/27/14

web_dennysNeon is a crazy cat lady looking adopt more while Jag accidentally steps on a kitten.  Dwight is in the Denny’s bathroom and needs more toilet paper – and his food.  Everyone on the line orders their own style of eggs.

Donkey Punch – 9/25/14

donkey-punchA lady is selling a hacked Xbox, Neon asks her about getting donkey punched.  A Korean man gets upset at us.  Carlito plays a Gilbert Gottfried prank call from the Howard Stern show. Dwight needs to talk to a Las Vegas casino manager.  Dr. Unk is confusing a Buffalo Wild Wings.

Patel – 9/22/14

patelCarlito, Dwight, Neon and Baz are calling people named Patel. Dwight ruins a call with loud noise. Neon is calling from a house full of cats.

Return of the Help Wanted – 9/16/14

helpCarlito returns to an old favorite – calling numbers out of the help wanted classified ads in the Sunday paper.  A hilarious couple of calls in search of a recruiter named Dirty.  Berating a Navy recruiter for trying to slip in a conscription.  A guy hears Carlito insulting him in the background of a speaker phone call.  Carlito gets into a huge fight at a casino in front of Asian guests.

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