The Monkey That Fell Out Of The Tree – 4/9/14

monkey-falls-signA short show with Baz and Carlito – two married oil workers who have been chased out of a hotel in Billings, MT by the Rev. Jebediah Snakewater. Some brief calls to angry Indians lead to the usual curses and threats.

Show Notes:

0:03:00 Calling the YMCA about horrible iced tea and masturbating
0:04:58 ..calling back to apologize and clarify
0:07:58 2 oil men, one room, one bed and Rev. Jebediah Snakewater
0:21:00 Calling The Loft as recommended by the lady during the previous call
0:28:55 Calling the Victorian about the glory holes
0:53:04 The Marriot in Pattaya
0:58:44 Placing an order from bastard
0:59:24 ..calling back the bastard monkey
1:01:53 ..connecting another unsuspecting Indian restaurant
1:05:00 Bolice calls back


Filed Under: 2014Podcast

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